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Mount Harriet National Park

Mount Harriet


The national park spreads over an area of 46. 62 sq. km and it is proposed to increase by 25.55 sq. km by adding Mount Harriet peak and other surrounding areas to the park. It is located at a distance of 20 kms from the capital twon of Port Blair. The park homes several highest points in Andaman and Nicobar islands. The general elevation of the area varies from sea level to 459 meters. The area includes steep precipitous slopes and gentle slopes with undulating terrain.


Mount Harriet National Park is rich with various types of fauna and flora, which make it the most favourite tourist destination of nature lovers.  It homes 90 species of birds, out of which 11 are endemic. 27 species of reptiles and amphibians including 12 endemic species are reported here. The important reptiles reported from the park are King Cobra, Andaman Cobra and two nesting marine turtles-green sea and Olive Ridley. You can see around 12 species of mammals in the park such as endemic Andaman Pig, bats and Shrew. It also homes 120 species of moths including many new species. Many people visit here to see the animals like saltwater crocodiles, robber crab, turtles and wild pigs.Sight of large elepahnts that are trained for carrying large logs can also be seen in the park.


Mount Harriet Marine National Park supports all major forest types in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands namely Evergreen Forest, Andaman Moist Deciduous Forests, Andaman Semi-evergreen Forests and Littoral Forests. The park is also rich with 393 plant species that includes 74 endemic and 51 introduced species. Ceropygie andamanica and Drypetes ellis are the two new species of plants that have been recently described from here. Another new record for Andamans from the park is ephiphytic orchid – Thrixspermum merguense.

Tourist Attractions in Mount Harriet

Port Blair city, Havelock Islands and Ross island are clearly visible from the hill top of Mount Harriet. Many people, who visit the park, go for the trek up to Madhuban, which is a natural and famous trek. It gives the tourists an opportunity to see large number of birds, variegated animals and butterflies. As the park homes several wild animals, this place is suitable for wildlife tour. You can also enjoy the beautiful views of the natural sights of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, if you avail a ferry or taxi from the Chatham Wharf to the Bamboo flat. It is also a suitable place for bird watching.


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