Travel Specialists Since 1960

Art & Craft of Jammu Kashmir

arts jammu

Basketry Willow rushes that grow plentifully in marshes and lakes in Kashmir are used to make charmingly quaint objects, ranging from shopping baskets and lampshades to tables and chairs, all generally in expensive. Brass, Copper and Silver Ware Kashmir is known throughout the world for its arts and crafts. There[…]

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Adventure Trip in Jammu & Kashmir

scenic sikhara view

SHIKARA BOAT RIDE A shikara ride is one of the most soothing, relaxing aspects of a holiday in Kashmir. Shikaras are long boats which crowd the Srinagar lakes. They are used for getting back and forth from the houseboats or for longer tours. It is worth to take a pleasure[…]

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Places to Visit in Jammu & Kashmir


 Dal Lake Dal Lake is a lake in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir. The urban lake, which is the second largest in the state, is integral to tourism and recreation in Kashmir and is named the “Jewel in the crown of Kashmir” or “Srinagar’s Jewel”. Nishat Bagh Nishat[…]

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