The traditional dance Performed during Navratri nights is called Garba. The dandia festival is generally performed keeping the picture of goddess durga in the centre. This Gujarati folk dance has many forms like hinch, 3 taali, dandia raas etc. There are many famous Navratri songs in Gujarati language. Generally the songs are either focusing on Lord Krishna and the nine goddesses. These songs are indeed very meaningful as well as catchy and energetic. The Navratri Songs are very popular among the people of all ages. The most famous among all of them are “Dholida” and “Sanedo”. Nowadays there is a trend of using some famous Bollywood songs in a Garba form. People just love tuning up to this classic hit numbers and they are also eager to learn dancing on it. So usually the trained dancers are running coaching classes for the exuberant domestic and international dance lovers.
The Navratri festival is also considered as the festival of colors. It is the largest dance festival of India and it is not performed in the random outfits as people used to get dresses in a traditional outfits and costumes. People performing in competitions or in clubs and farm houses are very meticulous about their dress and ornaments. The traditional Navratri costumes colors consists of Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue and Pink.Chanya choli, odhni and bandhni are the famous Navratri costumes. The exuberant dandiya dance lovers are not only satisfied with the traditional costumes. They also wear the glittering bangles, payals and bulky necklaces and waist-belts. The fever of Navratri festival provides amazing visual delight to the spectators. Even the vendors of such items also make good money during this time. Needless to say, these nine nights are extremely grooving for the Gujarati folk dance lovers. If you are in Gujarat it’s an awesome opportunity to get indulge in the vibrant culture of the state and you will find yourself to step out on some folk music- the whole scenario take you in some other world, full of music, beat and dance!
Ultimate “Garba fever” all across the world gets high in the month of October and people passionately celebrate this cultural fest. Many people organize big competition on Garba dance with big prizes as well to motivate the different dance groups. To watch and participate in “The Quest” with Gujarati people in style and ultimate compassion is just magnificent. Usually these kinds of competitions and organizations are held in clubs, farm houses, schools, colleges and in other such grounds. Here large capacity crowd in terms of spectators and performers can be organized in a comfortable manner. Many famous celebrities from Bollywood also visit such places in order to increase the verve of Garba lovers. Even the C.M. of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi also visits such places to dazzle the curtain of this mahafestival and giving it a mega start.
Last year many of my friends from abroad had planned to visit Gujarat, India. Their main focal point was to be witness of some amazing Garba performances. Being in Gujarat from a long time I thought to provide them a good experience. But every time it doesn’t go as smooth as due to heavy rush and in the middle of busiest festival. It’s very hard to manage everything perfectly. That’s how first three nights didn’t happen as per our plan. Later I realize that we need to go through some well-established or well-known organizers. Then on the 4th day I came across one of the topmost tours & travel agency in Gujarat. It was JN Rao India. They are based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat but they have a very well organized structure in the whole Gujarat. They have the best affiliations in the state authorities known for Navratri and Dandia festival. They take you to the top places of performing and watching Garba competition in major cities of Gujarat like Ahmedabad, Vadodara, and Surat etc.
So guys if you want to enjoy the Navratri 2015 to the fullest and also awaiting some foreign guests. Then JN Rao tours & travels is your destination. Furthermore, you can contact direct to the JN Rao by visiting their website