Travel Specialists Since 1960

Tour of Gujarat for Architecture Students

03 Nights / 04 Days

Please Note: – We have mentioned few places which you may pick and choose. As per your liking we will take you these places depending upon the time available. 

Day 01: Ahmedabad – Lothal – Ahmedabad

On arrival at Ahmedabad Airport/Ahmedabad Railway Station our representative will receive you and will drive straight towards Hotel.

After check in to the hotel and freshen up we will visit the following places –

After breakfast we will drive straight to Lothal (90 kms – 01 & 1/2 hours’ drive)

  • Lothal city is one of the well-known cities of the ancient Indus valley civilization. The origin and history of Lothal can be dated back to 2400 BC. Lothal in Gujarat is one of the primary sites of archaeology. Though, it was discovered in the year 1954, but its excavation work began on the February 13, 1955, which continued till May 19, 1960. It was done by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) (Closed Every Friday).

Overnight stay at Ahmedabad 

Day 02: Ahmedabad – Siddhpur

After breakfast we will drive straight towards Sidhpur (120 kms – 2 hrs 10 mins drive)

  • Siddhpur: this modern day Siddhpur is mentioned as ‘Shristhal’ or a ‘pious place’. Of the five most holy and ancient lakes in India is the Bindu Sarovar, which lies here in Siddpur. According to the Hindu religion, it is said that as the obsequies offerings to the paternal ancestors must be made at Gaya, so corresponding offerings to the maternal ancestors have to be performed at Sidhpur. Thus Sidhpur has the importance of ‘Martu Gaya’ or ‘Matru Shraddh’, a place where people come annually to perform the rituals for their mothers who are in heavenly abode. These ceremonies are presided over by the Brahmins, who are treated with high regard. They are performed at Kapilamuni Ashram, where 3 sacred water kunds: the Gyan Vapika, Alpa Sarovar and Bindu Sarovar are present. It is also said that Lord Parshuram performed ‘Matru Shraddh’ at the Bindu Sarovar and his temple is also created here for darshan (worship).
Matru Gaya,Sidhpur
Matru Gaya,Sidhpur
Matru Gaya,Sidhpur
Matru Gaya,Sidhpur
  • The town also holds importance for the Bohra Muslims, an affluent Muslim community spread all over the world. They have contributed significantly to the development of Sidhpur. Their old Havelis and mansions, some over 100 years old have a markedly European flavor and a walk through the ‘Bohra Vad’ is like a stroll through an England replete with the lamp lighters at dusk. So enamored were they by the style & existence of living in the 19th century Europe that as a sign of opulence and to gain respectability amongst the community they tried to create a slice of Europe in their hometown. This, they did by imitating the Victorian architecture. The facades are rich in variety and aesthetic expression with intricate details in wood. Thus the living spaces of the Bohra community or the so-called ‘Bohra Havelis’ represent a nostalgic visual straight out of a Dickenson novel.
Bohra Vad, Sidhpur
Bohra Vad, Sidhpur
Bohra Vad, Sidhpur
Bohra Vad, Sidhpur
Bohra Vad, Sidhpur
Bohra Vad, Sidhpur

Overnight stay at Siddhpur

Day 03: Siddhpur – Patan – Modhera – Ahmedabad

After breakfast we will drive straight towards Patan (35 kms – 55 mins drive)

Patan: A dusty, little visited town, but its narrow streets are lined by the elaborate, faded wooden houses and more than 100 Jain temples, which are worth exploring.

  • Rani ki Vav: It is an excellent example of subterranean architecture of Gujarat. This magnificent step well is said to been constructed by Queen Udayamati wife of King Bhimadeva I (A.D. 1022-1063). This is the highest watermark of Solanki architecture. It is 64 m long and 20 m wide. It was originally constructed of seven stories of which only five are now preserved. The shaft of this step well is 27 m deep. The step is oriented in east-west directions. The step well has long stepped corridor descending down to the underground tank, it is having four compartmental multi-storeyed pillared pavilions with circular draw well at rear end. The corridor walls, pillared pavilions and inner side of well are embellished with fine sculptures. Nearly 400 sculptures have survived out of the original estimated 800 sculptures, which comprise of Hindu gods and goddesses, apsaras and miscellaneous themes.
Rani Ki Vav Patan
Rani Ki Vav Patan
Rani Ki Vav Patan
Rani Ki Vav Patan
Rani Ki Vav Patan
Rani Ki Vav Patan
  • Patola Silk: The place associated with Patola is Patan. Patola silk is often termed as the queen of all silks. Patola sarees of Gujarat are one of the finest hand-woven sarees produced in India today. Here, exquisite patterns are woven on sarees with great precision. Here you need to spend couple of hours understanding the work each artisan are doing.


Afterwards we will drive towards Modhera (40 kms – 1 hr drive)

On reaching Modhera you need to visit the Sun Temple which was a site of great importance at one time. Today, Modhera is a virtually deserted hamlet. Far more off the beaten track and much less well known than the Konark Sun temple, Modhera retains a great deal of its atmosphere and charm. Modhera is known for the 11th century Sun temple.

  • The Sun Temple: Sun temple at Modhera is an architectural land mark being the earliest Solanki temple of Gujarat datable to A.D. 1026-27. It was constructed during the reign of King Bhimadeva I (1022-1063 A.D.).
  • All the three elements i.e. the (1) Garbhagriha with ambulatory and attached octagonal gudhamandapa, (2) Detached sabha mandapa with a torana in front and (3) A large flagged tank are decorated with numerous miniature shrines, while the gudhamandapa is embellished with niched images of twelve adityas, the sabhamandapa is a diagonally arranged octagonal hall with a magnificent set of pillars carrying torana arches in alternate triangular and semi- circular designs.
  • This temple and the Konark Sun temple in Orissa are very similar. This similarity is that this temple was also designed in such a way so as to let the dawn sun shine on the image of Surya, at the time of equinoxes.


Afterwards we will drive straight towards Ahmedabad (100 kms – 02 hrs 45 mins drive) 

Overnight stay at Ahmedabad 

Day 04: Ahmedabad

After an early breakfast leave today for:- (Everything starts late in Ahmedabad so it is advisable to utilize the morning time by opting for the Heritage Walk which will be very interesting to all the Architecture.)

  • The Heritage Walk an excellent walking tour of the Old City organized by the Heritage Cell of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). The tour includes examples of pols and havelis as well as some important historical monuments. It commences at 0800 hrs and ends at the Jama Masjid at 1030 hrs.


  • Siddi Sayid Mosque: which was the last significant monument of the Sultanate period. The exquisite stone grilles of its arched windows are famous across the world for their fine tracery work. The delicate “tree of life” motif has become the distinguishing symbol of Ahmedabad.
Sidi Sayed Mosque, Ahmedabad
Sidi Sayed Mosque, Ahmedabad
Sidi Sayed Mosque, Ahmedabad
Sidi Sayed Mosque, Ahmedabad
  • Hutheesing Jain Temple: This imposing Temple complex, built in 1848 by Sheth Hutheesing, a rich Jain merchant, is a marvel of Jain architecture. The two-storied temple is dedicated to Dharmnatha – the 15th Tirthankar (an enlightened soul according to Jain religion.) It has a huge dome, porches on three sides, paved courtyards and cloisters containing 52 shrines.


Hutheesingh Jain Temple, Ahmedabad
Hutheesingh Jain Temple, Ahmedabad
  • Gandhi Ashram where in 1917, Mahatma Gandhi; Father of the Nation, established the Satyagraha Ashram along the Sabarmati River. The Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya, designed by the famous architect Charles Correa, hosts an excellent pictorial and documented record of the major events in Gandhiji’s life, a library of Gandhian literature and paintings. Charles Correa did the museum at the Sabarmati Ashram, characterized by a square modular grid free – flowing spaces and tiled pyramidal roofs.


Gandhi Ashram
Gandhi Ashram
Gandhi Ashram
Gandhi Ashram
  • Sarkhej Roza a mosque, tomb and royal complex dedicated to the memory of Shaikh Ahmed Ganj Baksh, the spiritual advisor of Ahmed Shah. Roza was a retreat for successive rulers each one adding a garden or pavilion. Even though partly in ruins, the roza is both majestic and serene for all likes of people and mostly for Architecture students. It is also an excellent structure that combines Hindu and Islamic design.
Sarkhej Roza
Sarkhej Roza
Sarkhej Roza
Sarkhej Roza
  • Sabarmati Riverfront: Sabarmati Riverfront is developed on one of the biggest river “Sabarmati, in of Gujarat. It is an innovative project undertaken by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.
Sabarmati Riverfront
Sabarmati Riverfront
Sabarmati Riverfront
Sabarmati Riverfront

This is an ideal destination to enjoy picnic with family. It consists of a magnificent walkway over the river Sabarmati. Gardens, esplanades, amusement parks, golf courses, water Sports Park and slum rehabilitation are part of this project. The entire riverfront offers a panoramic view of the city’s landscape.

Many people come here for their morning or evening walks. A leisurely stroll on the walkway, especially at night when the whole area is lit up with lights is quite refreshing Sabarmati is well connected with Ahmedabad and hence reaching the river front is fairly easy. Any time, other than summer is considered best for visit.

In evening we will drop you at Ahmedabad Airport/Railway station to board your flight/train for your hometown.

Tours End With Sweet Memories…

For more details please contact us at tourist@jnrglobetrotters.com or call +91 9909011509